Saint Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri, 2014-2022
Ph.D., Philosophy (With distinction), 2022
"Radically Connected: Ockham’s Metaphysics of Efficient Causation"
Susan Brower-Toland (director), John Heil, Jonathan D. Jacobs, Scott Ragland
Biola University, La Mirada, California, 2012-2013
Master of Arts, Philosophy (Highest Honors), 2013
Covenant Theological Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri, 2008-2011
Master of Divinity (Summa Cum Laude), 2011
Webster University, St. Louis, Missouri, 2005-2007
Bachelor of Science, Computer Science (Magna Cum Laude), 2007
Areas of Research
Areas of Specialization
Medieval, Contemporary Metaphysics
Areas of Competence
Ancient, Ethics, Epistemology, Philosophy of Religion, Philosophy of Mind
Teaching and Research Experience
Saint Louis University
PHIL 1050: Introduction to Philosophy: Self & Reality, Instructor (Fall 2015, Spring 2016)
PHIL 1050: Introduction to Philosophy: Self & Reality, Teaching Assistant (Fall 2019)
PHIL 1050: Philosophy and the Good Life, Teaching Assistant (Spring 2020, Spring 2021)
PHIL 2050: Ethics, Instructor (Fall 2016, Spring 2017, Fall 2017, Spring 2018, Fall 2020)
PHIL 3250: Philosophy of Religion, Instructor (Spring 2019)
PHIL 4930: Latin Palaeography, Teaching Assistant (Fall 2018)
Honors and Awards
Saint Louis University
2019: APA Central Division Graduate Student Stipend
2018: Collins Award for Graduate Student Excellence ($2,000)
2018: Dissertation Prospectus Passed With Distinction
2018: APA Eastern Division Graduate Student Stipend
2016: ACPA Annual Meeting Travel Stipend
Biola University
2013: Elected to membership in Kappa Tau Epsilon, the Talbot School of Theology Scholastic Honor Society
2013: MA Philosophy & Ethics Scholarship
2012: Fieldstead Grant MA Philosophy Scholarship, Academic Years 2012-13, 2013-14
2012: Talbot Graduate Grant, Academic Years 2012-13, 2013-14
Covenant Theological Seminary
2011: R. Laird Harris Award in Exegesis
2008: 50% General Scholarship, Academic Years 2008-9, 2009-10, 2010-11
Webster University
2007: Math and Computer Science Department Honors
2005: $10,000 Parkway District High School Scholarship, Academic Years 2005-6, 2006-7
"Potens Per Accidens Sine Accidentibus: Ockham on Material Substances and Their Essential Powers." Vivarium 59, no. 1-2 (2021): 102-122.
"Reframing Aquinas on Art and Morality." American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 92, no. 2 (2018): 295-311.
September 2018: "Naturally Apt For One Another: Ockham on the Nature of Causal Linkage," University of Toronto Colloquium in Medieval Philosophy, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
June 2018: "The Digital Future of Ockham Scholarship with SCTA Data," The 2nd Annual SCTA Community Meeting: The Digital Future of Scholasticism, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland
February 2019: "Supercharged Substances: Ockham on Substantial Powers," American Philosophical Association Central Division, Denver, Colorado
June 2018: "Supercharged Substances: Ockham on Substantial Powers," Theories of Causal Powers in the Thirteenth and the Fourteenth Century, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
April 2018: "Action Is Not A ‘Little Thing’: Ockham's Regress Argument Against Entities of Action," The Morris Colloquium in Medieval Philosophy, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, Colorado
January 2018: "Henry More, Holenmeric Souls, and the Unity of Consciousness Argument," American Philosophical Association Eastern Division, Savannah, Georgia
September 2017: "Shared Liturgical Lament," Society of Christian Philosophers Eastern Division, Asbury University, Wilmore, Kentucky
November 2016: "‘Wisdom’ is Said in Many Ways," Indiana Philosophical Association, DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana
November 2016: "Shared Liturgical Lament," American Catholic Philosophical Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, California
April 2015: "Modal Realism and the Ethical Objection from Transworld Causation," University of Iowa Graduate Philosophy Conference, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa
March 2015: "Modal Realism and the Ethical Objection from Transworld Causation," Society of Christian Philosophers Pacific Division, Azusa Pacific University, Azusa, California
April 2014: "Emergent Individuals and the Unitary Powers Dilemma," Berkeley-Stanford-Davis Graduate Philosophy Conference, UC Davis, Davis, California
July 2019: Conventiculum Dickinsoniense, Dickinson College, Carlisle: Pennsylvania
June 2019: Philosophy as a Way of Life, Mellon Foundation and the University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame: Indiana
June 2018: Theories of Causal Powers in the Thirteenth and the Fourteenth Century, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Research Languages
Ancient Greek (Reading proficiency)
Latin (Reading proficiency)
Susan Brower-Toland
Associate Professor of Philosophy
Saint Louis University
John Heil
Professor of Philosophy
Washington University in St. Louis
Jonathan D. Jacobs
Associate Professor of Philosophy
Saint Louis University
Scott Ragland (Teaching reference)
Professor of Philosophy and Department Chair
Saint Louis University